
Kefir water is a fermented beverage made by combining kefir grains with a sugar water solution. Rich in probiotics, it promotes a balanced gut microbiome and offers benefits like improved digestion, nutrient absorption, and immune function. With reduced lactose content, it's well-tolerated by those with lactose intolerance. Packed with vitamins, minerals, and organic acids, this tangy beverage is a flavorful and nutritious addition to a health-conscious diet. The brewing process involves two ferments as detailed below👇.

Shopping List 🛒

To start making kefir water, gather the following equipment and ingredients:

First Ferment☝️(One gallon)


  • Gallon glass jug/jar + cap (for shaking to dissolve ingredients)
  • Funnel
  • 1 cup measure
  • Cloth or coffee filter + rubber band


  • At least 4-8 tablespoons of kefir grains
  • 1 cup of organic brown sugar
  • 1 pinch of sea salt (don't overdo it)
  • 1 gallon of non-chlorinated water (use spring or filtered water)


  1. Add water into your one gallon glass jar.
  2. Add sugar to the water.
  3. Add a pinch of sea salt.
  4. Dissolve sugar into the water by shaking it.
  5. Add kefir grains into the sugar water.
  6. Cover the one-gallon jar with a breathable cloth or coffee filter and secure with a rubber band or hair tie.
  7. Let it ferment for 24-48 hours at room temperature (68-78°F).
  8. Strain out the kefir grains, and your activated kefir water is ready for second fermentation process.

Second Ferment✌️(16oz bottles)


  • Strainer
  • Glass bowl (preferably pourable or use another container you can pour from)
  • 6-7 glass swing-top bottles (16oz)
  • Funnel
  • Tablespoon measure


  • About 1/4 cup of fruit or 2 tablespoons of 100% juice (watch out for additives or other ingredients - keep it clean)
  • About 1-2 teaspoons of herb/spice (optional)


  1. Pour your first ferment into a bowl with a plastic strainer over it to catch the kefir grains. Then add the grains into your next first ferment batch of sugar water.
  2. Add flavorings (fruit, 100% juice, herbs/spices, etc.) to the 16oz glass bottles as desired.
  3. Transfer the activated kefir water from the bowl to each 16oz glass bottle with airtight lids.
  4. Leave some space at the top for carbonation (1-3").
  5. Seal the bottles and let them ferment for an additional 24-48 hours at room temperature (68-78°F).
  6. Refrigerate the 16oz bottles after the second ferment to chill the kefir water and slow the fermentation process (otherwise they can explode💥).

Once chilled, your kefir water is ready to drink. Strain out any added flavorings if desired. Enjoy your homemade, probiotic-rich kefir water!

💡 Tips for Home Brewing

  • Use Non-Chlorinated Water: Chlorine can inhibit fermentation, so use filtered or spring water.
  • Maintain Cleanliness: Ensure that all utensils, jars, and containers used in the process are clean. Proper hygiene reduces the risk of contamination.
  • Monitor Temperature: Keep the fermentation environment at a consistent room temperature, ideally between 68-78°F although 65-85°F can still work. But avoid extreme temperature fluctuations.
  • Adjust Fermentation Time: Experiment with fermentation times to find the flavor and level of carbonation you prefer. Longer fermentation results in a stronger flavor.
  • Strain Carefully: When straining kefir grains, use a plastic or stainless steel strainer. Avoid metal as it can react with the acidic kefir.
  • Store Grains Properly: If you need to take a break from brewing, store kefir grains in a small amount of sugar water in the refrigerator. Change the sugar water every 2-3 weeks.
  • Start Small: If you're new to kefir brewing, start with smaller batches until you become familiar with the process and your preferences.
  • Flavor Experimentation: Get creative with flavors during the second fermentation. Try different fruits, herbs, or spices to find your favorite combination.

⚠️ Cautions for Home Brewing

  • Be Patient: The fermentation process may take some time (longer in the winter than summer - home temperature depending), and the flavor can vary. Be patient, and allow the kefir to develop its full taste.
  • Watch for Mold: While uncommon, mold can develop. If you see any signs of mold (fuzzy or discolored growth), discard the batch.
  • Avoid Contamination: Keep brewing equipment away from contaminants like household cleaning products, strong odors, and raw meats.
  • Extreme Carbonation: Some sources recommend burping your second ferment bottles daily. This can lead to a flatter brew. If you want more carbonation, don't burp them, but don't let the second ferment go too far beyond 48 hours (temperature depending - warmer temps lead to faster ferments). Otherwise the bottles can explode!
  • Moderation is Key: While kefir water is generally considered safe, it's a good idea to consume it in moderation, especially if you are new to probiotic-rich foods.
  • Consult a Healthcare Professional: If you have any underlying health conditions or concerns, consult with a healthcare professional before adding kefir water to your diet.

Happy Brewing!🍻